launch project >>
project description: This project is exploring the idea of choreography as an interactive public process. At this web site users will comment on the process of creating choreography through the use of a blog. To show the creation process the site will contain video of rehearsals, journals of the dancers who are in the piece, and explanations of that day's work. The audience will be able to comment on the work in progress and through the user feedback the choreography will be changed, shaped, and polished. Every other rehearsal will focus on the internet feedback and the public view of the work. The audience becomes the choreographer, making a dance piece created for the public by the public.
software used in the project: Movable Type
contributor: Kate Sicchio
biography: Kate Sicchio is currently studying at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She is creating her own cirriculum combing the dance and multimedia majors. She is expected to graduate with her BFA in May 2004.
contact Kate Sicchio