project description: a moblog about soap operas in the near future. actors take photos (stopframes from the stream of their own lives) by mobile phone and send them just after the capture. Those images are stored in an always growing database and displayed using a radio userland blog. we are working on the next thing (take a look here) developing our own software and working hard on concept.
software used in the project: Radio Userland
biography: is a domain brand. marketing , nothing else. we work online. our censorship machine and the emails exchange game are showed in the Rhizome artbase as pieces. we are part of the international neen movement. we are featured as emerging artists at Java Museum. etcetera. but we are not interested in art itself. we make money not art.
For marshall McLuhan, the role of the artist was to be at the avant-garde of the exploration of the new mediums, revealing by their actions what the mediums were actually meant to become. So curators seems to belive we make art only because we try to anticipate the psychic and social consequences of the next technology, trying to conceptualize good products to sell before our commercial competitors do. Zer021 is the brand we use when we have something to sell.
when i showed this brief biography to nikola tosic he told : very cheesy. cheesy is being dressed as 80s rapper now and thinking its cool. ctrl is cheesy. when i showed this brief biography to andrej waldegg he told : hm dont think its cheesy, it is rather trendy. like linking to marshall mcluhan and neen. ctrl is trendy. then when i showed this brief biography to miltos manetas he told : I think it's very nice! I correct some spelling mistakes.ctrl is very nice. and we believe there are no borderlines between online and offline.