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psy-geo treats of the day
If you live in the U.K., UpMyStreet gets you talking with the neighbors.
Urban Tapestries "allows users to author their own virtual annotations of the city, enabling a community's collective memory to grow organically, allowing ordinary citizens to embed social knowledge in the new wireless landscape of the city."
What it's like to be trailed by a powdered donut-throwing cop on your walk home. This short story comes from The Konundrum Engine Literary Review whose founding editor, Pitchaya Sudbanthad, joined us for the walk last weekend.
"...engineers don't know what happens when a crowd walks over a bridge."
This is deep. Thanks to Snap over at Socialfiction, who also sent this link to Maxwan, a Dutch architectural firm with working with "tools and concepts that are closer to geo-economics than city planning."
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