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"You can put me in front of the most beautiful landscape, and I just don't see it. It doesn't work. You know, sometimes people tell you, 'man, your photography is too hard, doesn't sell, you should try with some nice nature shots'. So I tried, and it was a disaster. I just don't feel it. I'm a city kid, I feel good on the street, I feel the pulse of the street, and my 'subjects' can sense that I feel that way and they usually trust me."

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August Glowlounge: Williamsburg walk

Connecting the dots between religious icons, street art, Jane Jacobs, Immanuel Kant, and auto mechanics: the wrap-up of last weekend's Williamsburg drift.

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psy-geo treats of the day

If you live in the U.K., UpMyStreet gets you talking with the neighbors.

Urban Tapestries "allows users to author their own virtual annotations of the city, enabling a community's collective memory to grow organically, allowing ordinary citizens to embed social knowledge in the new wireless landscape of the city."

What it's like to be trailed by a powdered donut-throwing cop on your walk home. This short story comes from The Konundrum Engine Literary Review whose founding editor, Pitchaya Sudbanthad, joined us for the walk last weekend.

"...engineers don't know what happens when a crowd walks over a bridge."

This is deep. Thanks to Snap over at Socialfiction, who also sent this link to Maxwan, a Dutch architectural firm with working with "tools and concepts that are closer to geo-economics than city planning."

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Saturday post-walk listening adventure: AfterDark

Saturday, August, 23rd
w/ DJ Peter Lasell
deep listening, downtempo, spacerock, techno, electro, field recordings...
wander in, wander out.
12:00am - ?
at the Lucky Cat: 245 Grand between Driggs & Roebling
(next to the Stinger and across from Luxx in Williamsburg)

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Saturday, August 23: AN INVITATION TO A WALK

This weekend Glowlab teams up with Attack the Map for a walk on the streets of Brooklyn. You're invited to join us for this community event, which is free and open to one and all. To participate, please sign up.

Read the full description of the walk >>

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celebrate electricity at Eye Wash

Fix your gaze upon the light again this Tuesday at Eye Wash. Glowlab's favorite DJs Krou and Zemi17 mix it up with VJs Les Technocrates, Charles Atlas, Joyce Rudinsky and Holly Daggers.

Eye Wash
Tuesday, August 19
at Remote Lounge
327 Bowery at 2nd Street
9pm-1am  *FREE*
Take the 6 train to Bleeker or the B, Q, F, V to Broadway-Lafayette.  Walk east to Bowery and 2nd Street.

"This series is a relaxed and social cocktail atmosphere in a bar equipped with CRTs, video projectors, and tons of tiny cameras. You can enjoy mixed video, meet VJs and video artists, and see the latest in live video art."
Presented by Forward Motion Theater.

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Blackout in Brooklyn

Photos from the blackout.


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And then Fluxus began to get copied...


"And then Fluxus began to get copied. Fancy people began copying Fluxus things and ideas. But they tried to make fancy things out of them - and that changed them. When teacups were replaced by millions of teacups they weren't simple any more, so they stopped being Fluxus. That was always the difference: they stopped being art of life. You could always tell the real Fluxus thing from the fake ones because the real ones stayed simple, while the fake ones had fancy names attached to them."

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What will they do about parking?

L.A. picks up the Flash Mob trend...if you live in Los Angeles and want to experience a mob, get in touch with the organizers.

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"Once the first one starts, they all follow."

The Flash Mob connection?

"The leading -- though not yet proven -- explanation is that females are likeliest to mate with males that flash earliest. The inevitable result of this fierce competition, the theory goes, is that every firefly ends up flashing simultaneously."

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