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Mob 6 revisited
After a night to sleep on it, we're starting to agree more with Satan's Laundromat, Fancy Robot and Chris Erway about the Mob concept -- not so much where or how it should be held, but whether it can even live much longer. We're not actually as worked up about it as I.A., but his post is funny, in a foaming-at-the-mouth kind of way.
In truth, this was a lot scarier than any mean dinosaur:
When tv crews and journalists appeared in full force, it made us want to leave. The idea of the Mob is appealing, but like James Dean, it should live fast, die young. We must confess that Glowlab members have only been present since Mob 4, but we probably missed the best of it. If Flash Mob is going to turn into Funny Mob, we'll just skip it. "The making of a Flash Mob" will be on tv soon enough. But if the Mob knows when to make its exit and expires quickly like a supernova, we'll cherish the memory of it forever...
Posted by Glowlab | Permalink
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» radio-controlled mobs from cce blog
A better instruction-giving method is necessary to make these mobs perform more complex and interesting tasks. So, my idea: radio-controlled flash mobs. [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 8, 2003 12:41:24 PM
» Dumb Mobs from queixa
So I went to the Mob Project's Mob #6 today. I showed up at Harry's Hamburgers by myself, hung around until 7, at which point I received a little slip of paper with further instructions. The first thing I noticed... [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 18, 2006 8:29:27 PM
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