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NYC's privately owned public spaces
The Village Voice's list of privately owned public spaces in the city is packed with adjectives like "claustrophobic", "snooty", "sterile", "corporate" and "drab." Do you agree? Know of any they missed?
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The rest of the Voice's Annual Manual is worth checking out too...
Posted by Glowlab in space :: urbanism | Permalink
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In order to help the Trump World Tower on 47th and 1st, Donald Trump made use of the "Plaza Bonus." For the low, low price of constructing and maintaining a few hundred square feet of public space, Trump got the ability to make his tower 70 stories tall - adding an extra few million dollars to his profit, and a horrible eyesore to the NYC skline.
Does it really come as a surprise that the drinking fountain doesn't work?
Posted by: Moe | Jan 2, 2004 1:52:06 PM
Public Lot offers walking tours of privately owned public space in Manhattan:
Posted by: Anne | Jan 16, 2004 9:15:45 AM
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