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the Degree Confluence Project

the Degree Confluence Project is a project that could motivate any psychogeographer to get up and out into the world. "The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here."

If anyone is thinking about a road trip, check this site first to see if you can contribute to the project. "The project is an organized sampling of the world. There is a confluence within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you're on the surface of Earth. We've discounted confluences in the oceans and some near the poles, but there are still 13,223 to be found."

Take a look at New York State to get an idea (locally) of what this project is about. Also, New Jersey has one spot left. Looks like a nice derive for a weekend...

Posted by Gabe in cartography :: geo-data | Permalink


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