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New Sound, New York
New Sound, New York is a city-wide festival of performances, installations and public dialogues, featuring new works by sound artists who are exploring fresh connections among music, architecture and the visual arts. Running March 30-May 16, 2004, the festival is organized by The Kitchen and The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of The Cooper Union, in conjunction with eleven arts organizations: Art in General, Charles Morrow Associates Inc., Creative Time, Dancing in the Streets, Diapason Gallery, free103point9, Harvestworks Digital Media Art Center, Hugh L. Carey Battery Park City Authority, PhenomenArts, Inc., SculptureCenter, World Financial Center Arts & Events Program.
All the events happening here are promising to be great. Music and architecture have a close relationship in this show, which makes for the consideration of people in "space and place" (psychogeographic interests) a predominant feature here, although not acknowledged by the text shown in the website. The Live Performances section features a project called tune(in))) the kitchen in which Conflux participant Free 103point9 is participating. christopher janney: sonic forest '04, o+a (bruce odland and sam auinger): blue moon and shirazeh houshiary: breath (2004) are a few other projects that intially caught my interest.
Poke around this site and if you are in NYC, definitly check out the show. For more info go to: The Kitchen.
Posted by Gabe in conference :: festival | Permalink
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sounds good
Posted by: Virk Global Vision | Mar 24, 2004 1:30:56 AM
Posted by: Tilicho Handicrafts | Mar 24, 2004 1:32:42 AM
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