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Glowlab friend Sal Randolph sent this project along for those interested in conversations covering a large array of topics. Conflux participant Kathe Izzo is mentioned in the last line of this tag for her True Love Project.
"INTHECONVERSATIONis a new website which opens a space for talk about experiential, situational, and participatory art works. Topics will include social architectures, gift economies, games, street art and other public interventions, culture jamming and political actions. The hope is to develop a critical discourse, a way of talking well about artworks which are not objects, a way of thinking about the formal and aesthetic principles relevant to works which are primarily interpersonal."
"Intheconversation opens with an essay by Minneapolis-based Abinadi Meza introducing his participatory installation "The Burning Question," which explored intellectual property, copyright, and the impact of property on culture. Visitors were provided with computers, blank CD's, and over 24 hours of copyleft audio works contributed by composers, musicians, and sound artists from around the world. As visitors generated playlists to burn themselves CD's, they also generated an Internet radio broadcast streamed from the gallery. The gallery becomes a studio/radio station and users become DJ's.
"Also on the site is a statement by street artist and designer Dana Bishop-Root, whose text "practice active pause" suggests a way of altering our relationship to the language that surrounds us (especially the ubiquitous language of advertising). Her poetic and highly intentional use of language practices what it proposes. Coming soon will be a report by Kathe Izzo from her True Love Project."
Posted by Gabe in exhibition :: installation | Permalink
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