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July Glowlounge: Intel Research Berkeley
We recently visited Intel's research lab in Berkeley for a one-day conference called "Street Talk" [see our first post with photos]. For the July Glowlounge column, we present a detailed look at the day's events.
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High Line Design
Friends of the High Line presents 4 TEAMS 4 VISIONS - Design Approaches to the High Line Master Plan.
Here are details on the exhibition, on view at the Center for Architecture until August 14.
[image is from Steven Holl Architects proposal]
Do tell...which is your favorite?
Posted by Glowlab in space :: urbanism | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Art Mobs
Clive Thompson asks: "Just how inventive can an anonymous group of people be?"
[on his blog, see also this unrelated, but intriguing post about the "killer phone number" urban legend in Nigeria...]
Posted by Glowlab in software :: net art | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Chasing Cadillacs
Chasing Cadillacs is a contemporary west coast interpretation of Vito Acconci's "Following Piece" of 1969...
Using the specific Caddy as a following aspect appears as a comment upon the compulsive consumerism in America. This American icon becomes an obsessive pursuit paralleling the behavior of the mainstream American pursuing "the American Dream".
The piece seems to develop further for the artists as they begin to interact with the owners of the vehicles. This is a diversion from the elusive behavior that Vito used for his work, but it allows this project to reveal the nature of the owners of the American icons. Protective, suspicious, but partially cooperative personalities describe the owners, making them caricatures of the American ideal and the contemporary dream.
Posted by Gabe in culture :: subculture | Permalink | Comments (37) | TrackBack
The Project Gallery
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Curated by Jeffrey Uslip
July 29 – August 21, 2004
Opening reception Thursday, July 29 from 6 to 8 pm
Summer Hours: Monday – Friday, 10 am – 5:30 pm
Urban Repercussions is a photographic investigation of the Las Vegas strip in relation to popular culture and the cinematic effect. These investigations have a psychogeographic nuance (according to the press release) in their analysis of the "effects cinematic representations [have] on the formation of the individual".
(Excerpt from press release)
Urban Repercussions
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy’s Learning from Las Vegas (2003), the most recent of the artists’ signature “suitcase artworks”, appropriates Robert Venturi’s book to categorize the architectural vernacular of the Las Vegas strip. Learning from Las Vegas’ digital archive of 21 films including Casino, Showgirls, Godfather II, and Viva Las Vegas, is an attempt to analyze the effects cinematic representations have on the formation of the individual. Julie Becker’s staged photographs reconstruct notions of personal history within the framework of Los Angeles. Becker’s photographic series Whole (2002) analyzes the omnipresence of the federal bank building in the center of Echo Park, California. Becker’s tableaux juxtapose elements from a recently deceased friend’s home with a small scale model of the bank, employing nostalgia to suggest a political critique of the creation of home.
Posted by Gabe in exhibition :: installation | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Camp for Oppositional Architecture
This just in: a review of the Camp for Oppositional Architecture from our friend JohnJ Mcgurk, founding member of Providence's PIPS collective...
An Architektur is a quarterly publication that engages the social and political aspects of architecture and space. In an attempt to create an international platform for planners, architects, and artists working in areas of social engagement and intervention in the public sphere, An Architektur hosted the Camp for Oppositional Arhitecture in Berlin from June 25-27th.
Hosted at an old factory, the event was an experiment in individual and collective modes of communication and living. A truly international conference, there were participants from over sixteen countries with a wide range of backgrounds. Most of the participants stayed at the camp throughout the conference, with large group meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Two of the main presentations were given by Brian Bell, an original participant in the Rural Studio program started by the late Samuel Mockbee, and Peter Marcuse, a historian with an in depth knowledge of the planning history of New York City. Both presentations were engaging and thought provoking, the room packed to the limit with participants and Berliners.
The conference ended on Sunday with an attempt to come up with a Charter for Oppositional Architecture. Hotly debated, the final language was not finished and the participants all voted to keep working on the charter with the acceptance of a rough draft. If you are interested in these topics there is a questionare to gather information on participants and non-participants alike: www.con-gress.net/research/selfdetermined.htm.
Other groups invloved include:
Institute for Advanced Architecture
Posted by Glowlab in architecture :: design | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Street Theater Projects
The Legitimate Theater Company Presents:
"In an effort to add life to theater, and theater to life, we present this week-long series of free public performances. Beginning with free iced coffee at our makeshift cafe Nobucks in Cooper Square we will have various afternoon and evening events going on in parks, in subways, on line at TKTS, and on the sidewalks outside of bars where exiled smokers gather. Each show runs on a schedule that allows you to attend the performance along with those lucky people who just so happen to be there. Programs will be handed out. Some shows will feature a trunk that transforms into a theater. No money will be requested at any time."
Occurring in various public spaces
Saturday July 24, at Cooper Square, Manhattan
3pm; $free
Continues through July 31
Note: here's their map. Thanks to the Nonsense list for this.
Posted by Glowlab in performance :: public space project | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Infinitely Small Things public expedition
UPDATE: this event has been CANCELLED due the wet and stormy weather in NYC today. It will be rescheduled for later this month or early August. Check back here for the new date & time.
Glowlab is pleased to announce a special event taking place this Friday as part of our 1:100 exhibition at DCKT Contemporary:
WHAT: Public Expedition to find infinitely small things
WHERE: Meet at DCKT Contemporary - 537 W. 24th Street between 10th & 11th Avenues
WHEN: This Friday, July 23rd @ 7PM. The expedition will last 1-2 hours.
The Analysis of Infinitely Small Things, a research project of new media artist kanarinka, is dedicated to the discovery, creation, collection, construction and documentation of all of the infinitely small things in the world, past, present and future.
The Analysis of Infinitely Small Things involves an infinite series of maps, guidebooks, instructions, and scripts that guide public expeditions, performative interventions and collaborative investigations from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world.
Posted by Glowlab in performance :: public space project | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Street Talk Urban Computing conference
Street Talk, an Urban Computing "Happening," took place on Friday, July 16 at Intel Research Berkeley. I gave a short presentation on Glowlab, the Conflux and our One Block Radius project. This one-day event brought together people and projects with topics ranging from transparent spectacles and billboard liberation to connectivity for netgen kids and urban barflies. Howard Rheingold, Paul Dourish, Anne Galloway, Peter Lunenfeld and other speakers offered a fantastic diversity of perspectives, causing the research lab to fill with the buzz of bright ideas, techno-possibilties and, of course, laptop-tapping and mophone ringing. Look out for an in-depth review of Street Talk to be posted here over the weekend...
--Christina Ray
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new from Somniscope
Our friends at Somniscope have a new "audio-visual ep" titled Treasured Seconds, released on a net.label called Conv. This is a collection of 6 films made from March to June 2004, which are "meant to seem like day dreams or moments in time that you pause and watch."
Posted by Glowlab in film :: video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack