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News.Box.Walk with Glowlab this Friday

Friday, August 27, 2004, 7 – 8pm
Union Square Park

NEWS.BOX.WALK is a way to wander the city using newsboxes as a guide. It’s a game whose prize is the pleasure of exploring the city as you never have before, your path choreographed by the colors and combinations of these street-corner fixtures we barely notice.

On Friday, August 27, meet Glowlab in Union Square Park for our first News.Box.Walk. We’ll gather at the south end of the park under the horse-riding-George Washington statue at 7pm to hand out scorecards and offer some brief instructions. We invite you to walk alone, or play against friends; keep score, or just wander the city by color. We’ll meet back at the park at 8pm to compare scores.

[Note: With all the activity surrounding the RNC protests, Union Square will probably be packed -- we'll wait there until 7:15. This is a great time to come out and participate in the crazy energy of the city...]

Posted by Glowlab in performance :: public space project | Permalink


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