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Quality of Life


Glowlab attended the first New York screening of the new film Quality of Life, and we're crossing our fingers that this movie makes it into theaters soon.

There's a good article in the SF Chronicle about the film. From the synopsis: "Meet Michael "Heir" Rosario and Curtis "Vain" Smith, the most prolific and talented graffiti writers from the Mission District in San Francisco. At age ten, in a desperate search for fame and identity, the young friends began writing their names on surrounding urban landscapes. More than a decade later, the duo have evolved into a brilliant team of street artists. The two have covertly decorated the canvases of concrete and steel throughout the Bay Area. However, when Heir and Vain are arrested for painting, their secret identities are revealed and creative outlets are abruptly severed. "

The ever-amazing Wooster Collective is supporting "Quality of Life" and on a related note, there's a great post on their site today about digital analysis of graf writers' tags.

Posted by Glowlab in film :: video | Permalink


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