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Silence/Stories (Uglybeautycage)


Link: Silence/Stories (Uglybeautycage) is having a call for entries.

this is an open call for little stories about your experience with the phenomena of Silence...

this is an open call for little stories about your experience with the phenomena of Silence and noise, environmental sounds, sounds in nature, sounds of the city, the perception of sounds, sounds in sports, sounds of machines, sounds of the inner ear, sounds of the media, mushrooms and sounds, body-sounds, sounds and ears, sounds in literature, sounds down on the street, sounds and space, respiratory sounds, isolatable speech sounds, "It sounds as if"-stories, background sounds, deathlike silence, to make a noise, low noise, anti-noise device, broadband noise, driving noise, exterior noise, industrial noise, inherent noise, noise certificate, noise control, noise development, noise exposure, noise generator, sound pollution, noise suppression, random noise, pass-by noise, running noise, subsonic noise, common-mode noise, noise-induced error, noise protection area, protection against airborne noise, Air Traffic Noise Act, threshold of noise pain, toy sounds, prison-sounds, sounds in movies, the sounds of new york, fast-forward sounds, sounds of the baseball game, sounds in classical music, sounds of zoo, tube sounds, tunneling-sounds, audience participation sounds, gun sounds, sounds of insects, sounds of the underground, kitchen-sounds, abnormal heart sounds, partially obstructed sounds... etc.

Please send your story to lichtconlon "at" t-online.de

Subject: silence/stories

The plan is to publish a selection of your stories in german translation as a book with audio CD. We will publish all the stories as part of the Uglybeautycage project (Dialogue with John Cage) at:


Parts of the Uglybeautycage project (Dialogue with John Cage) will be performed in public as a concert/reading event with live music, visual projections and mushroom cooking (May/June 2005 in Frankfurt, Germany).

Posted by Gabe in exhibition :: installation | Permalink


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