
The New York Times > Arts > Art & Design > Artist's Erotic Oeuvre Is Rescued From the Trash

10dump184Sometimes garbage picking finds you more than you thought.

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Amazon Goes .walking

A9Amazon's new A9.com Search has a psychogeographic twist. Search for any store type and A9 will show you a picture of the store front. You can .walk in any direction up or down the blocks to "see" whats there.

Currently this is only available in: Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Chicago, Manhattan (sorry Brooklyn), Denver, LA, Seattle, Portland, OR and San Francisco and the Bay Area. (If they include the Bay Area, why can't they include Brooklyn?)

Mapping the areas like this allow for people to tour locations without having to be there. It further blurs the boundaries between the physical and virtual realm, as some other psychogeographers have been attempting, as well. In the ability to virtually tour, however, it offers the potential for people to explore the actual place because they felt as if they have already "been there" and will know what to expect. (There are underlying theories regarding chain stores and restaurants that people automatically attend these places because they feel secure about knowing what they are going to confront.)

I hope psychogeographers will use this as a catalyst for their own projects. If so, let Glowlab know about your progress!

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A Day in the Subway, as It Rolls Up a Century

"For a New Yorker just one day shy of turning 100 years old, the subway kept crazy hours yesterday. In other words, there were no hours it did not keep. As its neighbors around the world locked up their stations and turned out their lights, the subway started a new day, just as it has more than 36,000 times since Oct. 27, 1904."
[New York Times article; requires log-in]

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A horizontal internet derive...

Anthony Carriere uses a horizontal format for his photologue making the viewing like walking through the area yourself. His introduction of, "travelling from the river towards the lake. only from the left", makes the experience for the internet viewer seem participatory rather than voyeristic.

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movie night in the catacombs

In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema

"Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris's most intriguing recent discoveries."

[via the Guardian]

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Proboscis | SoMa | cultural snapshots

proboscisProboscis is pleased to announce the publication oftwo new essays in the Cultural Snapshot series.

Social Tapestries: public authoring and civil society by Giles Lane and Sensing the City and other stories by Katrina Jungnickel.

Proboscis was at the 2004 Psy.Geo.Conflux represented by Nick West.

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High Line Design

high_lineFriends of the High Line presents 4 TEAMS 4 VISIONS - Design Approaches to the High Line Master Plan.

Here are details on the exhibition, on view at the Center for Architecture until August 14.

[image is from Steven Holl Architects proposal]

Do tell...which is your favorite?

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International Necronautical Society

sparwasserIs death is a type of space? Ask the International Necronautical Society, who will be operating from Sparwasser HQ in Berlin this month.

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looking for something to do this weekend?

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Santiago psygeo

santiago"la deriva nos permite conocer y encontrar una serie de situaciones en su ambiente original, ya que al recorrer sin un objetivo ni dirección establecido, se está completamente abierto al entorno, el cual adquiere un valor particular."

individuels. is a group of psychogeographers devoted to exploring Santiago...we especially like this map...

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